A Real-Time Pandemic Meditation…

Milan Sime Martinic
3 min readJan 8, 2021

Fate has it that your friendship has been a great blessing to me in the midst of a storm that has engulfed our world and that I tried like Hell to avoid. Your calls and messages over the last weeks have brought to me a most noble message that has stirred me to feel a tight bond with the rest of our world.

In the grip of an invisible virus that is squeezing life out of so many, I fell deeply into the unknown hours and days when you do not know if there is hope for recovery and when you feel the weight of the human sacrifice churning its way through our lives.

In my work, I have talked to so many who have left us. They will be mourned by their families and friends and by the people of the world, and on some level, I hope their peace brings us peace as a people. I pray that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.

In my younger days, when my father died, I looked for him in the constellations. These days, I have felt closer to the heavens and seen Mother Earth mourning, with brave men and women sending themselves into danger in hope of saving other people.

It is because of them, heroes of flesh and blood, that many of us can look forward to a time past this painful pandemic when we can look at the moon and the night skies and know that there are millions forever there watching over the rest of us, having left too early because of this plague, and know just how lucky we were to survive through it. May their memories be a blessing and may the circle of their love be unbroken.



Milan Sime Martinic

Journalist, writer, researcher, and analyst; author of the upcoming book on the COVID-19 crisis, ‘PANDEMIC — And The Music Stopped’. On Twitter @MilanSimeMrtnc.